North American PB Research Board

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The North American PB Research Board is a collaborative of academics and researchers committed to investigating and improving the process, outcomes, and impacts of participatory budgeting. The Board meets regularly to share current research and collaborate on shared work. If you want to learn more or are interested in joining the research board, please email

North American PB Research Board

Celina Su

Marilyn J. Gittell Chair in Urban Studies and a Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York

Thea Crum

Associate Director of Neighborhoods Initiative at the Great Cities Institute of the University of Illinois at Chicago

Daniel Schugurensky

Professor in the School of Public Affairs at Arizona State University

Benjamin Goldfrank

Professor in the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University

Ron Hayduk

Professor in the Department of Political Science at San Francisco State University

Gary Hytrek

Professor of Social Geography at California State University, Long Beach

Lodewijk Gelauff

PhD Student in Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University

Jude Miller (they/he)

Research Fellow, Participatory Budgeting Project

Yvonne Yen Liu

Co-Founder and Co-Director, Solidarity Research Center

Tara Bartlett

Senior Research Analyst School of Public Affairs, Arizona State University