PBP 2024 Winter Newsletter

Our next newsletter has landed! We are excited to take a moment to offer some exciting updates from our circles, give you the latest, and share what we’ve been up to this winter.

PBP 2024 Highlights

2024 has been a full year for our organization, as we have navigated transitions and taken on new opportunities with our democracy work. Check out our highlights from the year!

PBP Summer 2024 Newsletter

Four pictures of Shari Davis

As the seasons change, we are excited to take a moment to reflect on the beginning of 2024, share a bit about what we’ve been up to, and let you know how you can get involved as we welcome spring.

PBP Spring 2024 Newsletter

Graphic with dark blue background with icons and titles of four PB2 proposals

As the seasons change, we are excited to take a moment to reflect on the beginning of 2024, share a bit about what we’ve been up to, and let you know how you can get involved as we welcome spring.

Seattle PB – We’re in Proposal Development!

Community Idea Collection is finished! Community members came together and put forward over 475 ideas for the Seattle People’s Budget. ???????????????????????? We are now officially in the Proposal Development phase (August 14 – September 15) of the participatory budgeting process! Our budget delegates are diligently collaborating with city department officials to turn your ideas into […]

The Beauty of Intergenerational Activism in LA

Six people sitting in chairs facing audience with coffee cups on table

Los Angeles Advocacy Manager Edna Sandoval used our recent staff retreat as an opportunity to reflect on LA’s rich history of activism and the experience of witnessing both young and elderly advocates speak to our team.

PBP May Staff Retreat in Downtown LA

Organization staff with raised hands in celebration, sitting on steps in front of museum

A few weeks ago, our staff got the chance to meet in person in downtown LA for an action-packed team retreat. We laughed, we bowled, we shared our dreams for democracy, and we learned about local issues from community leaders. The retreat gave us an important opportunity to build and strengthen our relationships with one […]